

WebX 2024: Japan’s Economic Minister Ken Saitō Outlines Web3 Vision

WebX 2024:Japan's Economic Minister Ken Saitō Outlines Web3 Vision Cover


  • Japan positions DX and GX as growth engines, seeing improvements in domestic investment and wage growth, aiming to capture global growth opportunities.
  • Minister Saitō envisions Japan as a "Global Innovation Hub," leveraging strengths in tourism and exports while emphasizing Web3 technology's importance.
  • The government plans to support Web3 and blockchain development through tax reforms, legal changes, and creating an environment attractive to global entrepreneurs and developers.


Minister Ken Saitō addresses WebX 2024, highlighting Japan’s economic strategy, Web3 potential, and vision as a global innovation hub. He calls for “animal spirit” to lead in the new digital era.

Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Ken Saitō Takes the Stage

On August 28, the international Web3 conference “WebX,” planned and operated by CoinPost Inc. and hosted by the WebX Executive Committee, opened with Ken Saitō, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, taking the stage.


Minister Saitō pointed out that the world has reached a historic turning point and entered an era of international competition in industrial policy. Japan has also been developing new economic and industrial policies since 2021, positioning areas such as DX (Digital Transformation) and GX (Green Transformation) that solve social issues as growth engines. As a result, signs of improvement such as increased domestic investment and wage growth rates have begun to appear, and the minister expressed his eagerness to firmly capture growth opportunities.


He presented “Global Innovation Hub” as the vision Japan aims for, showcasing a strategy to leverage Japan’s strengths such as tourism and complex product exports, utilizing DX and GX fields to earn from the world. He also emphasized the importance of Web3 technology, mentioning the implementation of tax and legal reforms to support startups and future support for use case creation.


Minister Saitō evaluated the high potential of Japan’s Web3 and blockchain fields and indicated his intention to create an environment that attracts entrepreneurs and developers from around the world. Finally, he called on participants to lead the world with “animal spirit” and concluded by expressing his expectations for the creation of innovative ideas at the conference.


WebX is planned by CoinPost Inc., which operates Japan’s largest Web3 media “CoinPost,” and hosted by the WebX Executive Committee. This year, it will be held on August 28 and 29 at “The Prince Park Tower Tokyo.”



WebX Opens with Prime Minister Kishida’s Video Appearance | WebX2024 (in Japanese)


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▼Speaker Profile


Ken Saitō

Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry

Ken Saitō Profile


March 1983: Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo
April 1983: Joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry
June 1998: Personnel Planning Officer, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
July 1999: Planning Officer, General Affairs Division, Basic Industries Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
October 1999: Secretary to the Minister of International Trade and Industry
July 2000: Planning Officer, Planning Division, Public Utilities Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
October 2000: Director, Information International Cooperation Office, Electronic Policy Division, Machinery and Information Industries Bureau, Ministry of International Trade and Industry
January 2001: Planning Officer, Administrative Reform Promotion Coordination Office, Administrative Reform Promotion Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat
October 2003: Director, Electric Power Infrastructure Division, Electricity and Gas Industry Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
August 2004: Vice Governor of Saitama Prefecture
March 2006: Retired from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
August 2009: Elected to the House of Representatives (45th general election)
December 2012: Elected to the House of Representatives (46th general election), Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Environment (until September 2013, Second Abe Cabinet)
December 2014: Elected to the House of Representatives (47th general election)
October 2015: State Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
August 2017: Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Third Abe Third Reshuffled Cabinet)
October 2017: Elected to the House of Representatives (48th general election)
November 2017: Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Fourth Abe Cabinet)
October 2019: Director, Constitution Review Board of the House of Representatives; Chairman, Sports Nation Survey Committee; Secretary General, LDP Headquarters for TPP, Japan-EU, Japan-US TAG and Other Economic Agreement Measures
October 2020: Director, Budget Committee of the House of Representatives; Secretary General, LDP Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Implementation Headquarters
October 2021: Elected to the House of Representatives (49th general election)
November 2021: Director General of the LDP’s Organizations and Groups Bureau
December 2021: Director, Health, Labour and Welfare Committee of the House of Representatives
October 2022: Acting Chairman of the LDP General Affairs Council, Vice Chairman of the Tax System Research Commission
November 2022: Minister of Justice (Second Kishida Reshuffled Cabinet)
September 2023: Chairman of the LDP Judicial System Research Commission, Vice Chairman of the Tax System Research Commission
October 2023: Vice President of the LDP Central Political University
December 2023: Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Minister in charge of Nuclear Damage Compensation, GX Implementation, Industrial Competitiveness, and Economic Cooperation with Russia, Minister of State for Special Missions (Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation) (Second Kishida Second Reshuffled Cabinet)





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